This blog contains notes, questions, answers and solved past papers for O levels Pakistan Environment 2059 Geography.


O level Notes for Geography of Pakistan 2059

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Coal - Non-renewable Resource of Energy

Non - renewable Energy Resources - Coal:

  • Coal is a very old fossil fuel
  • The better types of coal have taken several hundred million years to form.

Formation of Coal:

  • Coal is formed by the decomposition of natural vegetation, especially equatorial swamp forest.

    Types of Coal and their characteristics


  • Best quality coal
  • Hardest
  • Highest hydrocarbon content
  • Burns quietly with great heat
  • Blackest coal of all
  • Formed in very thin layers deep underground


  • Darker in color
  • Formed deep underground

Bituminous as Steam Coal

  • A superior black hard coal found in highly compressed seams
  • Burns readily with great heat
  • Hydrocarbon content is less than anthracite

Bituminous as Coking Coal

  • It is burnt to produce coke – a hard grey porous material
  • It is used in blast furnaces for the extraction of iron from iron ore


  • It is a lower quality coal with a high moisture and ash content
  • It has a low heating value
  • Present near the surface and it is easier to mine


  • Exclusively vegetative matter
  • Represents initial stage of coal formation
  • Its carbon content is low

Transportation of coal from the coal mine to the end user

  • Extraction of coal from the coalface and crushed
  • Loaded onto trolleys which run on a track
  • Track leads from the coalmine to the outside surface
  • Small coalmines use donkeys as an underground transport
  • Once the coal comes out of the mine, the qualities of coal are separated
  • Sold to the middleman who further loads it into trucks and supplies it to the brick kilns and cement factories etc where it is used as a fuel
  • When the coal is supplied to thermal power stations, rail transport is also used if it is economically feasible

Coal Extraction with respect to Provinces

Province Baluchistan

  • Location of Coal: Quetta Coalfields
  • Type of Coal: Coking coal locally – Sharig Coal
  • Uses: Coking coal is converted into metallurgical coal by mixing with high grade imported coal,Supplied to Pakistan Steel Mills, Sub-bituminous coal is used in brick kilns and for briquetting

Province Sindh

  • Location of Coal: Lower Sindh Coalfields
  • Type of Coal: Lignite, low quality
  • Uses: For heating boilers in the thermal power stations

Province Punjab

  • Location of Coal: Salt Range coalfields
  • Type of Coal: Sub-bituminous to lignite,Highly volatile, Deteriorates when stored, Poor quality,
  • Uses: Used in brick kilns.

Province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  • Location of Coal: Makerwal coalfields in trans Salt Range, Some sporadic mining is reported from Charat
  • Type of Coal: Sub-bituminous, Seams are slightly thicker,Coal is slightly better quality than in the Salt Range coalfield
  • Uses: Used in the ceramic industry.

Reasons for Coal as a preferred source of power in near future:

New coal reserves

  • Discovery of new coal reserves in recent years
  • It is estimated that Pakistan has 7508 million tones of proven coal reserves in eight major fields in Lower Sindh and the Salt Range.

Coal reserves in greater quantity

  • According to one study, the coal reserves in the country are many times greater than the total reserves of natural gas and oil.

Saving of foreign exchange

  • To save tremendous amount of foreign exchange which is involved in the import of oil


  • Cheaper than natural gas so it is used as an alternate source of fuel specially in cement industry

Using latest technology

  • The focus of the government's policy is on aggressive coal-mining and modern usage of coal, using the latest technologies, including those developed over the years by the Americans, Europeans and Chinese.

Power generation

  • Focus of the coal policy is on power generation through coal and gasification of coal so that it could be used as a cheap fuel.

As a fuel for industries

  • Through gasification the fuel companies convert coal into easily transportable coal gas or liquid fuels
  • The coal is heated in the presence of steam and oxygen to produce coal gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane.
  • It is directly used as a fuel or refined into cleaner-burning gas to make it environment friendly.
  • Coal based vapor fuels are produced through this process

Government’s will

  • Government needs to improve and modernize coal mining operations to increase the use of coal in industries

Process of using coal in Iron and Steel Industry:

  • Heating coal
  • Converting it into coke - a hard substance consisting of nearly pure carbon
  • Combining coke with iron ore and limestone
  • The mixture is heated to extract the iron from the iron ore
  • Other industries use the different coal gases emitted during the coke-forming in order to make fertilizers, solvents, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and other products.

Power generation using Coal

Arguments against (Environmental Loss)

  • Not advisable to build coal fired power plants close to River Indus
  • Coal fired power plants are largest source of fly ash and mercury pollution falls into nearby rivers where it builds up in fish
  • Upon consumption of mercury polluted fish people suffer from brain damage and nervous system disorders, particularly in young children
  • Fly ash could cause lowered crop yield, respiratory disorders, contamination of groundwater with toxic salts and metallic contents

Arguments in favor (Economic Gains)

  • To overcome energy crisis Pakistan has to rely on coal
  • Huge reserves of Thar Coal field could be utilized
  • Coal could be exported to India
  • Cheap electricity could be produced
  • Foreign exchange could be saved by not importing expensive oil


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